2022 Peach Sale Report

Each and every year brings new experiences and new challenges to our very special Rotary Peach Sale.  I’ve heard tales of drilling open locked delivery trucks.  I’ve personally witnessed dozens of cars piling up nearly to Colorado Boulevard full of anxious Peach aficionados.  We’ve run a little short some years, and absolutely run a little long, but NEVER and I mean NEVER have we ALL had to come together like we did on August 13, 2022!

I was tremendously proud to be a part of this year’s event and to see this Club persevere with smiles, hugs, slaps on sore backs when not only did our forklift seize up on us, but the pallet mover responsible for bringing pallets from the back of the semi-trailer to the front also collapsed.  Your AMAZING peach volunteers said, “Let’s Do This!” and hopped into the trailer and like sandbags for a flooding river, they formed chains and passed over 1,400 boxes of peaches one by one to outstretched arms waiting to re-stack them only to then be placed gingerly into the back of everyone’s cars without them ever knowing.  It was a monumental task with the pouring sweat, grunts, sighs, and aches being drowned out by cheering, singing, laughing and an occasional panic filled shout from yours truly! 😊  The Club came together like I’ve never had the privilege of seeing before.  It was inspiring and a true testament to the character exhibited by this amazing group of people!

Now that the dust has settled and an occasional spilled peach has been collected, dusted off and sent to an awaiting pie pan, it’s time to celebrate the numbers and people responsible for such an incredible event.


Total Number of Peaches Sold:  1,630 Boxes
Total Number of Jams Sold: 116 Set
Grand Total Net Funds Raised:  $28,217  The second record breaking year in a row!
These funds will be split evenly to your Denver Rotary Club Foundation and The Rotary Foundation.


Your top Sellers this year were as follows:

  1. Chuck Everill: 129
    An absolutely astounding feet making him our reining Peach King for the Second Year in a row!
  2. Bryan Guice: 76
  3. Melly Kinnard: 43
  4. Kevin Shelledy: 41
  5. Jim Wilkins: 34
  6. Harry Ellison: 31
  7. Don Kane: 28
  8. Virgil Scott: 24
  9. Charlie Miller: 22
  10. (Tie) Alison Oyler-Mitsch & Jim White: 19 boxes each

To all of you who purchased peaches and helped sell peaches to friends and family, a sincere and heartfelt thank you from the Peach Committee.  To Shannon Stone and Earl Wright who once again hosted an incredible Peaches and Prosecco evening at the AMG Event Space we also thank you!  To Melly Kinnard for her amazing efforts connecting the Junior League to Rotary, another Thank You!  And to the dedicated Peach Committee who worked on this event ALL YEAR LONG, your efforts are appreciated, your work ethic was exemplary and your commitment to this Club and this event were lovely, generous, hilarious and genuine.  I loved being on this committee with you, learning from you and succeeding as we all did.

I would like to end this little blurb with a challenge to all Club 31 members.  It’s time for new blood on the Peach Committee.  It’s time for you all to take this event to a new level.  This cannot begin in 2023.  It needs to start now!  Grab your fellow colleagues brimming with ideas, wishes and aspirations and start planning 2023’s Peach Sale.  August will be here before you know it and we look to the next generation to take the event even further than we have in 2022.

One final word of advice however…I’d highly recommend two forklifts.  Just in case!

Your Peachy Chair,
Kevin Shelledy
Peach Sale Chair 2022-23

2021 Peach Sale Report


“This was the smoothest pick-up process I’ve ever experienced!”

“This peach sale was so organized this year!”

“How many volunteers do you have?  There are so many Rotarians here this year!”


When you receive notes like these repeatedly from your fellow Rotarians you know SOMETHING must have gone right!  And indeed, it did.  So MANY things went right for the peach sale that it will be difficult to describe it all but here goes…

Sales this year were the highest they’ve been since the Peach Sale began.  Through everyone’s immense efforts we sold 1,540 total boxes with a record setting Gross Sales figure of $74,566 making the total Net Proceeds $12,054, split 50/50 between your (Local) Denver Rotary Club Foundation and The Rotary (International) Foundation!

There was so much creativity and experimentation this year and you can see it paid off.  Partnering with the Junior League of Denver not only fostered an even stronger relationship with this organization, but they are credited with driving over $2,000 in gross sales through their efforts.  Brad Be Jammin’s Jam’s brought in an additional $4,963.  And then of course the phenomenal sales from our members, friends, email acquaintances, the list goes on!  You all took the call to act and sell this year and each box you bought or sold pushed us to this incredible accomplishment!

It’s also extremely important to note those Rotarians who exceeded the call of duty and made it to the Top 10 Best Sellers of the year, lead of course by our crowned Peach King, Chuck Everill who sold a total of 104 boxes bringing in a gross revenue of $4,210!  But Chuck, don’t rest on your laurels.  These 9 colleagues will be nipping at your heels this next year and a special shout out must go to Shannon Stone and Rotarian Earl Wright for hosting the Peaches and Prosecco event at AMG, bringing in nearly $2,400 in gross sales.  Shannon was a new member for a short three-months prior to offering this exciting opportunity to the Club!  The Peach Sale Rookie of the Year Award absolutely belongs to you Shannon!

Everill Chuck 104 PEACH KING!
Guice Bryan 55  
Harris Dale 44  
Wilkins Jim 42  
Shelledy Kevin 34  
Kinnard Melly 29   |
Tied for 6th place
Mast Lauren
White Jim
Kane Don 28  
Ellison Harry 22  
Stone Shannon 18  
Scott Virgil 17

Lastly, this successful event as we all know doesn’t just happen.  It takes a tremendous amount of work, planning, testing, arguing, agreeing, arguing again 😊 and agreeing even more.  Your peach committee team and the tremendously supportive, patient and selflessly giving band of volunteers knocked it out of the park this year and when you see them, they deserve your handshake and probably a cocktail!  Here’s just a sample of what each brought to the Committee this year.

  • Bryan Guice: Coordinated all communication and delivery of the peaches from the orchard to your car, and he drove the forklift to prove it!
  • Harriet Downer: Completely owned the entire peach jam experience, not to mention her tremendous efforts training and running our volunteer crew!
  • Jill Santuccio: Lead communication, wrangled our corporate accounts, through sheer guts and perseverance managed the entire delivery service! What didn’t you do, Jill?
  • Debbie Wilkins: Joined the committee half-way through the year and strolled in like a champ! Debbie personally arranged our entire Volunteer crew and they’ve never been more organized and ready!
  • Kevin Shelledy, Chair: He’s really good at starting a Zoom call, so the incredible Committee can get to work! CLEARLY, our leader and peach champion, a top ten seller, the one who brought everything together to make this the most successful peach sale to date!

Please be sure to thank all these incredible volunteers for the work they did in loading your cars, tracking the purchases, guiding traffic, and all around being so pleasant and helpful!  And thanks to all of you who bought a box! Can’t wait for Peach Sale 2022!

Volunteers: Sandy Adams, Debbie Beasley, Dave Benson, Sid Brooks, Raúl Chávez Fields, Alison Clark-Hardesty, David Dickmann, Mark Donovan, Past District Governor Bill Downes, Harry Ellison, Lisza Gulyas, Kris Hemenway, Jean Herman, Matt Isola, Jagdish Jaganath, Jim Johnston, Maeve Johnston, Peg Johnston, Don Kane, Frank Lawrence, Lasa Ledua, Thomas Longino, Mary-Frances Makichen, Jeff Mason, Anne McGihon, Sandy Purcell, Marilyn Renninger, Elizabeth Ritter-Seawalt, R.J. Ross, Rich Spong, Brian Sweet, Alexis Sweet, Pete Wall, Debbie Wilkins, Keat Wilkins and Mark Wipper.

Photos curtesy of Rotarian Dave Benson of Dave Benson Photography: 


2020 Peach Sale Report

(Photo credit: Todd Bacon)

The January freeze in Palisades didn’t get us down. COVID-19 didn’t defeat us. Losing our long-time delivery company didn’t stop us. A change in venue didn’t cripple us. A late-season drought that forced us to prematurely halt sales didn’t (completely) unhinge us. Peach Sale 2020, by all accounts was a major success after we take into account all the hurdles we had to clear.

Big thanks to the committee and volunteers noted below … and to ALL of you who bought A box, or MULTIPLE boxes, of peaches!

By the (round) Numbers:
Total Net: $19,845

  • 50% to your Denver Rotary Club Foundation: $9,923
  • 50% to The Rotary Foundation: Split theirs 50/50 between Polio Plus and Annual Fund ($4,961 to each)

Compare to previous years:

  • In 2019, our net was $21,084 (about 6% more than this year)
  • In 2018, our net was $19,331 (about 2.5% less than this year)

Top Sellers:

  1. Peach Royalty Chuck Everill – 86 boxes (plus a three hundred dollar additional donation on top!)
  2. Craig Mills – 61 boxes
  3. Jim Wilkins – 39 boxes
  4. Bryan Guice – 30 boxes
  5. Harry Ellison – 25 boxes
  6. Don Kane – 23 boxes
  7. Charlie Miller – 20 boxes
  8. Kevin Shelledy – 20 boxes
  9. Paul Jones – 17 boxes
  10. Warren Donder – 15 boxes
    Bob Lowdermilk – 15 boxes

These “top ten” brought in more than $15,000 of our total!

It’s also important to note that Dorsey & Whitney (through Rotarian Case Collard) typically orders more than 200 boxes of peaches as client gifts. Due to COVID-19 keeping people from their offices, thus complicating deliveries, Dorsey instead made a contribution of peaches (through us) and cash (directly) to the Food Bank of the Rockies. This highlights how peaches can be used, as Craig Mills also does with UBS, to benefit both DRCF and clients of Rotarians!

Thanks again to the 2020 Peach Committee and Volunteers:

  • Todd Bacon (Photographer)
  • President Debbie Beasley
  • David Dickmann
  • Harriet Downer (Peach Team Planner)
  • Bryan Guice (Peach Sale Co-Chair)
  • Lisza Gulyas
  • Kris Hemenway
  • Jim Johnston
  • Don Kane
  • District Governor Bob Kemp
  • Thomas Longino
  • Jeff Mason
  • Steve Mast
  • Lauren Mast
  • Jill Santuccio (Fundraising VP)
  • Kevin Shelledy (Peach Sale Co-Chair
  • Rich Spong
  • Pete Wall

A BIG thank you again everyone who supported our peach sale through hands-on volunteering, contributions, partaking in the peach pancake breakfast and to everyone who bought peaches!



2019 Peach Sale Club Report

The three goals of the peach sale are

1) The Member involvement in a quick easy project with emphasis on new members
2) Fellowship on pickup day in a “working on a common goal” atmosphere
3) Raise funds to help our Denver Rotary Club Foundation and The Rotary Foundation.

This year 130 Club 31 members, sold or bought peaches.

Pick up day was a blast. With the help of a Forklift from Giles & Farris Machinery and Hassan Latif, Bill Imig, Steve Mast, Pete Wall, Chad Tyler, Rich Spong, Jack Green, Rick Leuthold, Jeff Kleinschmidt and his sons Ian and Isaac Kleinschmidt, 1440 boxes of Peaches were unloaded and loaded. 

Additionally, the following people came and volunteered their time to make this year’s Pickup Day and Pancake Breakfast a success:

PARKING: Harriet Downer, Susan Brushaber, Mark Donovan, Debbie Beasley, Anne McGihon, Drew Price and Lindsay Leuthold Rick’s daughter.
KITCHEN: Don Schlup, Virgil Scott, Kevin Shelledy, Melly Kinnard, Lisza Gulyas, Marjorie Lewis, Andrew Walker and Debby Kaufman.
PHOTOS: Todd Bacon and Bob Lowdermilk
CASHIERS: Darlene Mast, Lauren Mast, Peg Johnston and Marlene Wilkins
BREAKFAST SALES: Don Lewis and John Wilson.
If we failed to mention someone, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

After a small delay because of new equipment in the School Kitchen and the lack of “pancake inversion devises”, the Pancake and Peaches Breakfast went great and we served over 190 plates of Peaches and Pancakes.  A big Thanks to Roberts Italian Restaurant, a Deli in Littleton and the DTC for helping us order the breakfast supplies.

Special Thanks go to Jill Santuccio and Debby Kaufman for their work and organizational skills, Virgil Scott for running our kitchen, and our newly christened flapjack flipper Kevin Shelledy who benefited from the guidance and support of Chief Pancake Flipper Extraordinaire Don Schlup.

The Double Digit Top Sellers are:

224 Collard Case
65 Guice Bryan
56 Mills Craig
46 Harris Dale
40 Wilkins Jim
37 Yake Jay
33 Everill Chuck
28 Mast Darlene
26 Schlup Don
21 Miller Charles
20 Donder Warren
19 White Jim
17 Ellison Harry
16 Johnston Peg
16 Johnston Jim
16 Lowdermilk Robert
16 Penny Mary
14 Scott Virgil
13 Gandera Wynn
13 Kane Don
13 Wall Pete
10 Donovan Mark
10 Metcalfe Dick
10 Mosko Steward
10 Oyler-Mitsch Alison
10 Peters Chris

Again this year Case Collard continued what Tucker Troutman started at Dorsey and Whitney LLP, who used the opportunity to send clients Peaches…they bought 224 Boxes!

The total benefit to Our Denver Rotary Club Foundation and The Rotary Foundation should be over $21,000!

A BIG thank you again everyone who supported our peach sale through hands-on volunteering, contributions, partaking in the peach pancake breakfast and to everyone who bought peaches!

Bryan Guice
2019 Peach Sale Committee Chair