Join Your Fellow Rotarians for the 2021 District Conference!

May 6, 2021, 6:30 – 8:00 PM  |  May 7, 2021, 4:30 – 8:00 PM
Registration by April 23 is highly recommended


Thursday, May 6 | 6:30 – 8:00 PM | Virtual
Learning Session Presentation and District Business Meeting for all Attendees
Program includes RI President Nominee, Jennifer Jones by video, facilitated by Curt Harris, Past District Governor and followed by the District 5450 Business Meeting
*** Thursday program included with either Friday option ***

Friday, May 7 | 4:30 – 8:00 PM | In-Person | Arvada Center for the Arts & Humanities
Reception, Dinner & District Conference Program | $85 per person (payment must be made in advance)
Seating is limited to 150 per state guidelines. Social distancing & masks will be required. 
Program includes a Reception and Dinner, and guest speakers that include District Governor Bob Kemp, District Governor Elect Ray Anderson, Rotary Foundation Vice Chair Brenda Cressey, Rotary Scholar Brian Adams, & District Governor Awards Presentation

Friday, May 7 | 6:30 – 8:00 PM | Virtual Only
District Conference Program | $25 per person
Program includes guest speakers that include District Governor Bob Kemp, District Governor Elect Ray Anderson, Rotary Foundation Vice Chair Brenda Cressey, Rotary Scholar Brian Adams, & District Governor Awards Presentation

Denver and Bikaner Rotary Helped India Control CovidID

Fast Action by Rotary Clubs Denver 31, U.S. & Bikaner, India Helped India Control the Covid Crises

In April 2020, the Rotary clubs of Bikaner, India and Denver 31 were about to submit a global Grant request to Rotary International for construction of girls’ toilets in five schools in Bikaner, India, where both sanitation and student privacy were compromised.

In early April, it was evident the number of coronavirus cases were accelerating rapidly in Bikaner and the funds for school toilets had a more immediate use in treating the increasing number of Covid cases. The funds were diverted to a new grant, GG2013988, for purchase of respirators and PPE.
The new grant was submitted to RI and approved in May and funded in June. Equipment and supplies were received in the hospital in early August in time to meet peak infections. The equipment and PPE saved numerous lives.

On January 20, 2021, PDG Arun Prakash Gupta, project contact at the Bikaner Rotary Club, reported, “The COVID situation in our area is now at very negligible levels. People are very aware & conscious and are taking preventive steps. The government has started an intensive vaccination program. First, they are giving injections to healthcare professionals, and soon everyone will be immunized with the Indian made vaccine.”

Another example of Rotary responding to crises throughout the world.

Summary of Covid’s spread and control in India

Covid’s Spread
After India detected its first few hundred coronavirus infections in March 2020, Prime Minister Modi imposed a draconian nation-wide lockdown, hoping to break the chain of viral trans-
mission and contain the pathogen. By midyear, infectious disease specialists reported “It is totally overwhelming,” later claiming “November was the worst.”

Covid’s Control
By January 2021, New Delhi doctors were getting an unexpected respite with infections dropping sharply. The trend extended beyond the capital confirming coronavirus infections have fallen precipitously. Rural areas outside the big cities, home to 900 million of India’s 1.3 billion people, saw the same result.
Some doctors and researchers speculate that India’s crowded cities may be approaching ‘herd immunity’ even before a vaccine is widely available.

Rotary’s Role Controlling the Pandemic

Rotary clubs played a very quick & significant role in providing infrastructure, equipment & other material at different levels which has provided a big support to the efforts of Medical personnel. The role of Rotarians in creating awareness for safety measures has also shown effective results to overcome the pandemic. The indigenous manufacturing of medicines has played a vital role too.