Congratulations and Welcome aBoard!

On January 16, 2020, members of the Rotary Club of Denver elected four Rotarians to serve as Directors on the Club’s Board for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2020.  Directors whose terms expire June 30, 2020 are Ben Allen, Melissa Bowen, Susan Brushaber and Chad Tyler.


Colleen Cozad
Bradford Real Estate


Hassan Latif
Executive Director/Founder
Second Chance Center


Alison Oyler-Mitsch
Fresh Events & ReFresh Studios



Matt Isola
CEO & Founder
Generation Exchange


Our thanks to Brian Sweet, Louise Westfall, Harriet Downer, Rich Spong and Chuck Everill for serving on this year’s Board Nominating Committee.



Due to the resignation of former Club member and trustee Barb Ritchie, the board of trustees, at its October 9th meeting, appointed Sandy Purcell to fill this vacancy and was duly elected by members of the Denver Rotary Club Foundation at their January 16, 2020 meeting.


Sandy Purcell
Branch Manager
Raymond James Financial Services

Rotary Club of Denver Board of Directors Nominees

January 8, 2020

 The following members have been nominated to serve on the Rotary Club of Denver Board of Directors for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2020.

  • Colleen Cozad
  • Hassan Latif
  • Alison Oyler-Mitsch
  • Matt Isola

Their names will be presented for election at our Club’s Annual Meeting which has been rescheduled to next Thursday, January 16 and will take place during our regular Club meeting. Additional nominations for Directors may be made in writing and signed by six members and filed with the Executive Director prior to the Annual Meeting.

Directors whose terms expire June 30, 2020 Ben Allen, Melissa Bowen, Susan Brushaber and Chad Tyler.

Our thanks to Brian Sweet, Louise Westfall, Harriett Downer, Rich Spong and Chuck Everill for serving on this year’s Board Nominating Committee.