Welcome to the Rotary Club of Denver! Also known as Club 31, we are a dynamic group of professionals committed to connecting with others to continually learn, develop new networks, and serve our community in a meaningful and lasting way.

Founded in 1911, we are the oldest Rotary club in Colorado, with a rich history of serving the Denver Metro community.  We also are the 31st Rotary Club to be established; hence, the name Club 31.  The Rotary Club of Denver is part of a regional and international network of clubs all devoted to connecting community leaders in shared service.

By joining Club 31, you are not just connecting to Denver area professionals; you are joining a network of 1.4 million members representing more than 46 thousand clubs worldwide.  The Rotary Club of Denver is a 501 (c)4 nonprofit organization, Fed ID #84-0307710.  Click Here to download a copy of our most recent 990 tax return.

Our mission is to create a dynamic network of diverse leaders who serve ethically and take action to impact Denver and the world.

Board of Directors

A 12-member board of directors governs Rotary Club of Denver. Board members are elected for three-year terms, which rotate each year. This means that four new board members are elected annually, lending fresh ideas, skills and energy to the club.

In addition to the 12 board members, five elected officers – a President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer and immediate Past President – serve as the club’s leadership team and as ex-officio voting members of the board.

Two to six Vice Presidents may be appointed by the President from those members of the Board of Directors or from the membership of the Club at large.

Board Leadership

Mark Wipper
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Stephanie Foote
President Elect/Co-VP, Fundraising
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Scott Weldon

Gary Schrenk
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Lisza Gulyas
Immediate Past President
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VP Meetings and Events

Pam Adams
Co-VP, Fundraising
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Kristen Brooks
VP, Communications
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Gary Stolter
VP, Engagement
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Chris Marseilles
VP, Member Attraction
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Bart Allen

VP, Service

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Board of Directors

Raúl Chávez Fields

Chuck Everill

Jim Goddard

Rick Leuthold

Jim Mack

Chris Marseilles

Charlie Miller

Jana Milosevic

Gary Schrenk

Shannon Stone

Troy Szymanski

Mark Wipper

District 5450

Denver Rotary Club 31 is a proud member of District 5450. Click here to find out more about District 5450.


Rotary International

Denver Rotary Club 31 proudly serves under the umbrella of the Rotary International Organization. Click here to find out more about Rotary International.