Denver Rotary Wins Ed Bemis Communication Award!

The #Rotary Club of Denver has been awarded the Ed Bemis Award for Communications by the Rotary Club of Littleton and District 5450.  The award is named for Ed Bemis, the late publisher of the Littleton Independent newspaper, Past President of the #Littleton Club, and Past District Governor (way back in 1943-44).  This award is a great tribute to Ian Campbell, our Communications Team Vice-President and President-Elect, who has served the Communications Committee so ably over the past few of years.  Thanks to Ian, our Club has been recognized for the “Best Club Communications” in the District for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.  The award consideration is equally weighted between newsletters, social media, and other blogs and projected-related outreach.  The criteria for the award include the handling of Club news, education about Rotary activities, originality in content, and format and appearance. A huge “thank you” and congratulations to Ian!



Edwin Bemis Award for Best Newsletter
Presented by the Rotary Club of Littleton
by Edwin A. Bemis, District 113 Governor 1943-44

WE BELIEVE that our club bulletins are valuable and effective instruments in the development and maintenance of good Rotary clubs; THEREFORE, as bulletin editors, we shall gladly contribute our time and energy to the production of the best bulletins we can offer to our members.

WE BELIEVE that our club bulletins should be informative, interesting, dignified, constructive and entertaining; THEREFORE, we shall lend every effort toward making these attributes the controlling influence in gathering material for our bulletins.

WE BELIEVE that one of the purposes in having Rotary club bulletin editors is so that the week after week history of our clubs will be written; THEREFORE, we shall endeavor to give as complete coverage as is possible of the club and its officers, committees and members.

WE BELIEVE that directed and humiliating jests, derogatory statements, or any similar items which might make a member the object of ridicule, are not in good taste and do not belong in a club bulletin; THEREFORE, we shall be very alert to see that all material in our bulletins are acceptable to all members.

WE BELIEVE that questionable jokes are foreign to the ideals of, and thinking by, members of Rotary clubs; THEREFORE, we shall be circumspect in the choice of what is to be included in our bulletins.

WE BELIEVE that an interchange of information between clubs, within and outside of our respective districts, is most desirable and profitable; THEREFORE, we shall endeavor to exchange bulletins with as many clubs as our ability permits.

WE BELIEVE that there are unlimited opportunities for club bulletin editors to spread and to help perpetuate Rotary throughout the world; THEREFORE, we will dedicate ourselves, our abilities, and our energies to the furtherance of Rotary, and shall so discharge our responsibilities that our activities will be a stimulus to our fellow members and a credit to the communities in which we live.

WE BELIEVE that in being selected to edit our club bulletins we have been deeply honored, and inherent in this honor is recognition of leadership as well as a great challenge; THEREFORE, we will exercise that leadership as effectively, acceptably, and unassumingly as is compatible with our relationship to our club members. We will dedicate our utmost ability and loyalty to that challenge, knowing that in it lies the real meaning of the great pronouncement of Rotary.

Posted in Awards.